Mike has argued the following published appellate court decisions, in two Illinois Appellate Districts, the Illinois Supreme Court, and the Seventh Federal Circuit Court of Appeals:
Westlake v. C House Corporation, No. 1-10-0653 (1st District, 2011)*;
Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis v. Summerson, 577 NE 2d 177 (3rd District, 1991)
Thompson v. IFA, Inc., 536 NE 2d 969 (1st District, 1989)**;
In Re: Marriage of Kozloff, 101 Ill. 2d 526, 463 NE2d 719 (Ill. Sup. Ct., 1984)
Microsoftware Computer Systems, Inc. v. Ontel Corporation, 686 F. 2d 531 (7th Circuit, 1982)** (Mike's client prevailed on this appeal, over a vigorous dissenting opinion. At last count, Microsoftware has been cited by courts 98 times.)
* Favorable trial court ruling affirmed.
** Successful reversal on appeal
Westlake v. C House Corporation, No. 1-10-0653 (1st District, 2011)*;
Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis v. Summerson, 577 NE 2d 177 (3rd District, 1991)
Thompson v. IFA, Inc., 536 NE 2d 969 (1st District, 1989)**;
In Re: Marriage of Kozloff, 101 Ill. 2d 526, 463 NE2d 719 (Ill. Sup. Ct., 1984)
Microsoftware Computer Systems, Inc. v. Ontel Corporation, 686 F. 2d 531 (7th Circuit, 1982)** (Mike's client prevailed on this appeal, over a vigorous dissenting opinion. At last count, Microsoftware has been cited by courts 98 times.)
* Favorable trial court ruling affirmed.
** Successful reversal on appeal