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E-FAX: (847) 586-9160
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University e-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: M-F 8:30 AM-6:00 PM (Saturday by appointment only)
Mike received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Iowa in 1976, and his Juris Doctor from DePaul University College of Law in 1979. He has been licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois since 1979; is licensed to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois and in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Mike has argued appeals in the Illinois Supreme Court, and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Mike is an adjunct professor of Paralegal Studies at Roosevelt University where he has taught for 26 years; a published law journal author; and a frequent invited speaker at national and international academic conferences. His works have appeared in the St. Thomas Journal of Complex Litigation, Stetson University Journal of Advocacy and the Law, Quinnipiac Health Law Journal, The Law Teacher, the Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report, and the John Marshall Law Review. Mike virtually presented his original work entitled "A Consumer's Recovery of Damages for Lost Personal Time: Has the GM Ignition Switch Litigation Ignited a Paradigm Shift"?, at the 2020 Bi-annual International Consumer Law Conference hosted by the University of Pretoria, South Africa; and at the 2019 Central States Law Schools Association ("CSLSA") Annual Scholarship Conference at the University of Toledo College of Law. He presented his piece "I Can't Get No Satisfaction: Singing Out the Need for Uniform Statutory Reform in the U.S.", at the International Association of Consumer Law Conference at IUPUI College of Law, and at the CSLSA 2018 Annual Scholarship Conference at Texas A&M University College of Law. At the 2017 CSLSA Annual Scholarship Conference at Southern Illinois University College of Law, Mike presented "Remedies for the Insured's Breach of a Cooperation Clause: Sheath the Insurer's Shield to Survive on its Sword?", and at the 2017 Developing Ideas Conference hosted by the University of Kentucky College of Law. Mike presented original works of scholarship at the 2014 International Conference on Contracts at St. Thomas University College of Law, the Second Annual 2015 Legal Writing Scholars' Workshop at Washburn University College of Law, the CSLSA 2015 Annual Scholarship Conference at the University of Toledo College of Law, the 2015 Legal Writing Institute One-Day Workshop at Washington University-St. Louis College of Law; and the CSLSA 2016 Annual Scholarship Conference at the University of North Dakota College of Law. Mike is a certified arbitration panelist in the Circuit Courts of Lake and Cook County, Illinois, and is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association, and the Illinois Real Estate Lawyers Association. His pro-bono work and community service includes serving as an assistant coach of a local high school mock trial team, and volunteering as a mediator of small claims and eviction cases. Mike and Robin, his wife of 48 years, have four amazing children, and seven beautiful grandchildren, Reya, Jordan, Devin, Benjamin, Levi, Marlo, and Brycen.
Commercial, employment, business, real estate, landlord-tenant, and contract litigation and appeals;
Real Estate, commercial and business transactions;
Commercial, employment, business, real estate, landlord-tenant, and contract litigation and appeals;
Real Estate, commercial and business transactions;